8 Week Beginner Oral Bulking Cycle

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Oral only bulking cycle for 8 weeks.

Why 8 weeks?
Great results
Big muscle gains
Safer on liver
Easier to see results
Faster way to change direction
Cleaner PCT
Fast recover

Cycle Notes
Purpose: To bulk up – but stay lean. Meaning, you see your abs but you got more muscles.

Results: You can add 10-30lbs of lean muscle if done right. Obviously, first time users will get the best bulking benefits. But! Make sure you're eating a good amount of calories.

Side effects: The only sides effects are on the liver and kidneys. They aren't very bad, and if you use N2Guard or Organ ST – you should have no side effects at all.

8 Week Cycle
Week 1-4

30mgs Dbol (Dianabol)/day
25mgs Ostabolic (ostarine mk)/day
10mgs Cardarine (GW)/day
7 caps N2Guard/day
Week 5-8

50mgs Dbol/day
50mgs Ostabolic (ostarine mk)/day
20mgs Cardarine (GW)/day
7 caps N2Guard/day
Mini-PCT (4 weeks)

Week 9-12

50mgs clomid/day
20mgs nolvadex/day
5 tabs HCGenerate ES/day
5 caps N2Guard/day

I'm trying to bulk up, why use cardarine (GW)?
Even when you bulk, you need to have stamina, and you need to stay lean. Cardarine (GW) will help you stay lean and have high amounts of stamina during training. That means longer, more intense workouts that will lead to bigger muscles.

Why does the dbol dose go from 30mgs to 50mgs?
Dianabol is a very special steroid, and it's best to cycle it in a pyramid fashion. This way you can get used to the side effects. It's best to go up, then later to go down.

Day = every day
caps = capsules
mgs = milligrams
tabs = tablets
pct = post cycle therapy

This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 08 December, 2020.

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