Androgen use you must know

  • Model: dianabol_knowledge024
  • 122 Units in Stock

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Are you old enough? If no then stop being greedy you are at your peek right now use it.
If you start AAS at a young age, when you are in your 40’s you will have to take a loan out just to buy your cycle. Immature men cannot handle being wrong and learning from people that have the knowledge. If you’re too young to listen to advice and learn then you’re too young. You have to make sure you have matured physically and mentally. If you ask anyone older than 30 about the decisions they made even at 25 they would tell you they made a bunch of mistakes. At a young age your body is getting used to the new hormone levels. This makes it hard to make rational decisions. If you go and throw the ratio off even more by using AAS it might send your poor brain over the edge. Remember you run a risk of having to take shots for the rest of your life by starting AAS.
Body fat.
Is your body fat low enough? If your body fat is high you have a higher chance of being affected by side effects. High body fat also means you are out of shape and should take care of that naturally. Body fat calipers are cheap and a quick Google search will give you a site to calculate body fat.
Is your diet in check? To me, this is the hard part. Without a good diet you do not give your muscles the fuel they need to grow. You need to eat protein at least every 3 hours. AAS isn’t a diet plan. If you want to lose weight then eat right. Milos Sarcev Secrets of the Pros has good information on nutrition.
Work out Plan
Do you have your work out plan down? Not just for the past week but for a long time? Your joints need to get used to lifting before you add heavy weight. If you take AAS to early then you run the risk of screwing your body up. If a good work out plan isn’t followed on a cycle you waste the cycle. Make sure you have a good plan and have been on it for a long time.
Not growing
Are you able to make gains in the gym? Wait until you are eating right, sleeping good, working out hard and cannot make gains. Take your body to its full natural potential. When it’s hard to gain even after switching up work out plan then maybe it is time to look to AAS.
Do you even know what an AI is or which one to use or even if you use one or not? You have to know about AI’s. This is a must. Not only do you need to know about them but you need to have them on hand and ready to go. Do not count on your favorite SRC to ship you some in time.
Do you know what PCT is? PCT is a must know. You should have a solid PCT set up before you even buy AAS. You need to have them in hand before you start a cycle.
Injection Sites
Do you know where to pin? Improper pinning could end up in a trip to the hospital or even your family and friends over top of you praying wishing you were still alive. Here are a few spots you can use
Needle size
Do you know what size needle you need? Do you need ?

This product was added to our catalog on Monday 09 September, 2019.

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