Rad140 Testolone

  • Model: RAD140
  • 999999 Units in Stock

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RAD 140

Testolone (RAD140) is currently still being developed by the company Radius Health, which is publicly traded on the Nasdaq stock exchange under symbol RDUS which has a market cap of 1B$. The goal of the company was to produce something that could one day be a much safer alternative to Testosterone replacement therapy.
Understanding low testosterone levels
The Growing Concern

Those who suffer from low testosterone could have side effects like depression, mood issues, low libido, erectile dysfunction, trouble gaining muscle or strength, and even things like insomnia. Most blood work ranges say a normal testosterone level should be between around 300 ng/dl to 850 ng/dl for males. Of course, this number tends to peak in someones mid 20’s, and then begin dropping thereafter.

A growing trend we have witnessed over the past 20 years is that more and more younger individuals have low testosterone levels which are likely due to poor lifestyle choices, stress, steroid abuse, and toxins in our water and food. You can run blood work and get see your own testosterone levels either through a doctor or by ordering bloodwork online and going to a lab (see evolutionary.org for more information).
How can this be fixed?

Testosterone replacement therapy, frequently referred to as TRT, means you inject testosterone or rub a cream onto your body to get your Testosterone levels back to normal numbers. The goal of doing this is to provide a person with a more balanced hormonal panel and normalize their life.

Testolone (RAD140) was developed to be used on a daily basis to boost testosterone levels without needing to inject testosterone (requires a prescription and you need to inject yourself once a week) or use a cream (this is risky because it can get on your spouse or children by accident if you hug them, plus it is messy and requires daily dosing).
What Not To Expect

To sum it all up, Testolone (RAD140) will NOT do any of the following:

Risk being spread on loved ones
Cause rashes or infections
Require painful injections
Hair loss
Aggression or other androgenic effects
Cause prostate problems
Increase risk of heart problems
Increase risk of estrogenic problems like gynecomastia, water retention, or bloat
Effect sleep
Severely shut down your pituitary glands where you are stuck using a drug for life

Seems too good to be true, how does it help without causing side effects?
What To Expect

The secret to Testolone (RAD140) is that it works SELECTIVELY. It has a 90 to 1 anabolic to androgenic ratio vs. a 100 to 100 ratio with straight Testosterone. So there is no androgenic or estrogenic risk. In addition, it actually was designed to block testosterone negative effects on the prostate and testes, so you do not get SHUTDOWN hard permanently or get severe shrinkage of your balls. It also does not aromatize into estrogen.

When you use straight exogenous Testosterone you will notice your LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) crashes to near 0 within 2 weeks or so. Testolone (RAD140) does not cause that massive cratering, instead, it lightly suppresses your pituitary glands where they can come back later on if you so choose.
Use for women

Women can also use Testolone (RAD140) because it provides a safe boost to their Testosterone levels without bringing the androgenic risks of facial and body hair, enlarged clitoris, aggression, or man-like features. A good dosage for females is 2.5-10mgs per day.
Use for Athletes

You don’t just have to be someone will low Testosterone to get the benefits of Testolone (RAD140). Whether you are someone who is an athlete, gym rat, or even a normal joe can enjoy the benefits. Users report the following:

Stronger lifts in the gym
Lean muscle mass growth
Fat loss
More energy
Increase in libido
Less erectile dysfunction episodes
Better mood and happiness
Better sleep and body repair
Faster recovery between workouts
Side effects

The only side effect of Testolone (RAD140) is slight suppression so a post cycle is needed after using.

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 22 July, 2020.

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